Sunday, 30 September 2018

Are you ready for the EOT Halving?

The Bitcoin price went to the moon after the Bitcoin halving.. 

EOT Halving countdown and  details here...
, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
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10 000 EOT Winner Announced - Check if you won!

The Winner plus some surprise prizes 1000 EOT each  here..

Are you the 10K EOT Winner?
, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

NEW - NEW 48 Hour - 5000 BEZY Flashdrop

BE A WINNER- NEW *** Collect 5000 Free BEZY, - 
Claim now before the Flashdrop ends!
, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
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10 most influential names in the world of cryptocurrency you need to know about

 Are you interested in keeping up with the world of cryptocurrency?

There are quite a few influential personalities in the world of cryptocurrency.
 Here are the top ten people you need to know about.

, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
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Crypto News, Analysis, Forecasts, ICOs and Events for the week ending 28 September 2018

 For You: - Crypto News, Analysis, Forecasts, ICOs and Events for the week ending 28 September 2018
In this article: 

Have a great Crypto week!

P.S. If you scrolled to the end [ like most of us ] - This is all the Crypto News you will ever need in one place!

, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

SWEEPSTAKE - Hurry, Last call

 You can be the 10 000 BEZY Winner - Join the Sunday Sweepstake
Enter here

 Winners announced every Sunday

1 Winner = 10 000 BEZY
3 Winners = 5000 BEZY each
10 Winners = 1000 BEZY each

Don't miss out - Start here

Keep an eye on your inbox of the next lot of Free BEZY!
, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Saturday, 29 September 2018

25 Words can give you 10 000 EOT, It Expires at midnight 30 Sep, get yours in

Be a little creative and you can be  BIG Winner - Expires soon so hurry! Enter as many times as you want - The more you tweet - the better your chance of winning the 10 k EOT! [ It EXPIRES in a few hour ] !
 You can be the 10 000 EOT Winner,

All you have to do is to describe in 25 words or less why you think EOT is a good buy

Do it right now and you can be a 10k winner! [ It expires in a few hours ]
, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

How to spend your EOT with a Payment Card

You have EOT - Here is how to spend some of it :-)
, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Are you claiming free crypto on auto-pilot?

You don't even have to claim yourself - let others do the work for you

The faucets are easy to click and earn. - Here is a step by step guide to finding and using your affiliate link to earn...
Start Here
, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Friday, 28 September 2018

SWEEPSTAKE - Hurry, it ends on Sunday

 You can be the 10 000 BEZY Winner - Join the Sunday Sweepstake
Enter here

 Winners announced every Sunday

1 Winner = 10 000 BEZY
3 Winners = 5000 BEZY each
10 Winners = 1000 BEZY each

Don't miss out - Start here

Keep an eye on your inbox of the next lot of Free BEZY!
, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

How Blockchain Can Impact on Social Media

 In 2014, Cambridge Analytica began collecting the data of more than 87 million Facebook users.

These included people like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump - And without their consent
In this article :

How does blockchain help?

The solution: - Social Mining
, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
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Can Bitcoin save us from the Matrix?

There are many people that believe that the world financial system is controlled by a global elite, a small number of people aka the Illuminati that controls the central banks and the whole central government system. 

 Decentralised money systems like Bitcoin thus pose a serious threat to the control that this elite group of people have.
In this article :

, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
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Deposit from your Bank Account to Bank-Ezy

You now have live Wallets for USD, GBP and EUR- Check your Wallet
You can deposit EUR, GBP or EUR

, Road Town, VG1110, Tortilla, British Virgin Islands
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.