Sunday, 23 August 2015

How I going to make a Million Dollars with HTA and you can too..

A Blessed Sunday to all my  friends

How I am going to make a Million Dollars with HTA and you can too..

Wow - What a statement, even in our world of overblown hype..
but here are 2 thing I learned from my mentor:

1. Nothing is impossible
2. Set your intention before starting anything.

So my Intention is to make a Million Dollars with HTA in the next year and their is no reason why you guys should not do the same.

So here is my plan: (broken down step-by-step

1. I shared with you guys how I am going to position myself as serving my imaginary customer / fan / friend John.

3. From this letter John will ask me to help him with his online business

4. I am teaching and helping John to succeed

5. In the process, I am going to introduce John to HTA.

6. John will now opt in to the HTA funnel - I never attempt to sell HTA to John, I leave all of that work to HTA. All I am going to do is add value to John's business every day.
Right, that is the HTA plan, John is now in the HTA funnel. ( And I am still teaching and helping John every day and will introduce him to many other funnels but for now I am just talking about HTA. )

Ok, so John is in the HTA funnel and I leave it to HTA to do their magic.

How will this turn into a Million Dollars?

Mission 1000 - [ Remember the plan to get 1000 leads per day? ]

Here are my numbers.

If i can get 1000 people a day to download the "Letter to John" - this will be 365,000 downloads in the next year.

Let's digress for a moment. Here is what I am doing so far to get people to read the "Letter to John"

- I put the letter in a downloadable PDF on my blog, There is no opt in required to download, I want as many people as I can find to read the "Letter to John"

- I will of course promote to the usual suspects: my current mailing list, social media, write some blog posts etc.

- I also created a special Hashtag on Twitter ‪#‎letter2john‬ where anybody can send a message to John to help him in his business or just a message of support for John, my long suffering internet marketing buddy. Feel free to send a tweet, make sure you add a link, and I will retweet it.

- I am also going to make a Facebook page specifically for a "Letter to John" where I will post only things that can help John in his business..

And [ I just thought of this while i am typing ], I am going to create a Facebook support group for "poor struggling John"

This is obviously just the start - any new ideas will be welcome:

Now back to the numbers:

Ok, Now we have 1000 leads a day:

365,000 People read a letter to John in the next year.

70% of them do nothing with it - 30% Opt in for help

So, now we have 109,500 people

Of these I manage in a year of helping them online get 40% introduced to HTA.
So now I have 43,808 Opt ins [ qualified leads by the way ] into my HTA funnel.

Sales = 2190 x $497.00 = $ 1, 088, 648.00


Am I crazy? Maybe but I know this: " There are Millions and Millions and Millions of John's and Joan's out there who need our help..

I would love to hear how you guys are positioning yourself and any comments or thoughts about these ideas..
but first I am going for a quick dip in the lake.. ( It's Hot here )

this is the letter to my friend, John

Maybe you can relate

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