Thursday, 27 August 2015

Your Instant Cash and 3 Lead Magnets

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On behalf of Affiliate Power and Embedded Downloads, we are proud to announce the launch of our Affiliate Program.

It's new, it's hip and it's going to give you our JV Partner the one thing you really want 

- the ability to get a positive ROI on your traffic.

Here's why: - Every product and every action we take are strategically designed to meet the "core desire" of the average "internet marketing" customer.

As an affiliate this is going to place you head-and-shoulders above any competition and our invitation is for you to work with use to make a success of your Affiliate Business.

We believe in the affiliate marketing model and we want to help as many people as we can to be successful.

Affiliate Power Mission Statement.

"To provide our customers with the tools, products and education that they need to be successful online entrepreneurs. We "over-deliver" to our customers and thus create a loyal "tribe" of followers with whom we can work towards mutual success"

Affiliate Power Vision Statement

"Creating an Online Empire in which we can do business all over the world from one central location while improving the lives of online marketers by helping them creating their own successful online businesses. To have the ability to work where we want, when we want, with whom we want, whilst contributing to society as a whole. In short TOTAL FREEDOM.

So this is our invitation:

1. Join us - It's Free

2. Test us with our first product, it's an inexpensive product so there is zero risk for you.

3. If you are satisfied, take our hand and let's grow your dream.

To you Affiliate Empire

See you on the inside - Let's do it!
Affiliate Power, 2 Station View, GU1 4JY, Guildford, United Kingdom
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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